Rivals...The SERIES

Rivals... in sport was conceived by its editors, Michael Peters and Joe Robinson, as the first of an extravagant series of publications exploring the great conflicts of the human condition.

Rivals… in Sport looks at fascinating sporting confrontations that have transcended the athletic arenas and gravitated on to the pages of cultural history. Rivals… in Sport puts readers back in touch with the competitor in each of us. The part that wants to win. The part that knows how it feels to lose.

Every so often something extraordinary happens in life, propelling it from obscurity to the pages of newspapers and into the nation's consciousness. It is often a fairy tale ending to a fascinating contest; a bitter battle won, a victory against the odds, an achievement that warms the human spirit. Whether you have been emotionally entangled in a soccer match, a boardroom battle, or an outburst of artistic temperament, these encounters should provoke fond memories... or desperate disappointment.

This series is about people and their moments of glory and ignominy. it is about each of us, dreaming of being a winner, willing ourselves off the canvas of defeat and on to the pinnacle of our fantasies. This series of coffee table books is designed to offer thanks to those who have provided the inspiration and belief to overcome natural inhibitions and inner fears and participate in the continuous soap opera that is our world.

Rivals... the SERIES will bring legendary encounters back to life, sourcing the most recent historiography and exploring the mind-set of our killers and kings; our athletes and artists.

House of Pfeffer

The Book of Panos Moments by Dominic Miller and Michael Pfeffer - £7.95

incl. delivery to UK address: USA $12; Europe €10 plus delivery. Planned release: 1st September 2011

Written by guitarist Dominic Miller and publisher Michael Pfeffer, The ‘Panos’ Book is the ultimate light-hearted look at life’s madcap moments; those excruciating outtakes when you wished the earth would open up and ‘disappear’ you. It’s the perfect; lavatory literature, or something to perk you up on a long flight, or get you chuckling while you sun yourself on the beach. There’s nothing better than a bit of schadenfreude to remind you how good life can be when your foot is not in your mouth.

A feast of the authors’ self-deprecatory recollections and heart-stopping occasions that happen once in a lifetime for most folk, but which occur with alarming regularity in the lives of these two bumblers. For those whose faux pas moments have left them feeling anxious and agonised, this book is a tonic of the true and trepidatious tales that leave the reader happier in the knowledge that they are not alone.